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Das Institut of Marine Science der University of North Carolina verwendet PESOLA Federwaage / Fischwaage für Forschung

The research team at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Institute of Marine Science conducts basic and applied research exploring ecosystem service delivery of biogenic habitats such as oyster reefs, sea grass, and saltmarsh. Identifying the value and function of these habitats within the seascape is a central component of conservation and management efforts to protect these valuable resources and the animals that depend on them. These estuarine habitats are essential to the growth and success of many ecologically and economically important fish, shrimps, and crabs (referred to as nekton). These animals use these habitats to acquire food and hide from larger predators. Globally, estuarine habitats are experiencing significant declines do to anthropogenic impacts. The research is designed to better identify how factors such as climate change, spatial habitat configuration, habitat loss, sediment supply rate, seasonality, and water quality influence spatiotemporal patterns in how various fish, shrimp, and crabs use these individual habitats. Understanding these metrics allow managers to better apply limited resources towards conservation efforts that focus on the essential habitats that are most valuable to the ecosystem and the animals that rely on them.

The research team of the Institute of Marine Sciences spends many hours in the field collecting marine nekton to understand how their abundance changes in space and time (spatiotemporal). Quantifying the abundance of nekton requires accurate measurements of the biomass of target animals collected across broad spatial and temporal gradients.

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